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Chaton persan chinchilla silver shaded-Teacup Silver Chinchilla Persian Kittens For Sale Our Chinchilla Silver Persian kittens are considered to be teacup kittens They are the doll face variety of the Persian breed Doll Face Chinchilla Persians are naturally smaller and weigh between 6 and 9 pounds fully grown Chinchilla Silver Teacup Persian kittens are among the most soughtDifference Between a Chinchilla Persian Cat and a Shaded Persian Chinchilla Persians are sometimes confused with shaded Persians To the novice eye, it may be a little difficult to distinguish between these two color varieties The different is Chinchilla Around 1/8 of the length of the hair is tipped Shaded About 1/3 of the length of

You may wonder what a Golden Persian is They are fairly uncommon and are similar to Silver Persians in every way except their color Goldens have the same sweet and affectionate personality like the silvers have, unique and unlike no other kitty They have the same diminutive size as silver Persians, ranging anywhere from 5 to 9 pounds as adultsAllevamento amatoriale gatti silver e golden nelle varianti chinchilla, shaded e tabby Visita il nostro sito web Breeder of Persian chinchilla, shaded and tabby Brescia (Lombardia), Italia Italy;16 févr 19 Découvrez le tableau "PERSANS CHINCHILLA SILVER" de denise sur Voir plus d'idées sur le thème persan chinchilla, chinchilla, chat persan
عرض المزيد من Chat persan chinchilla et golden على فيسبوك Plus récemment, deux variétés de chinchillas ont été créées, il s'agit des persans silver shaded et des persans golden shaded Les persans golden shaded auraient été créés par le croisement de persans chinchillas et de persansWelcome to home of CFA registered chinchilla and shaded silver persian cats, kittens and adults Breeding chinchilla and shaded silver persians has been a passion of mine for over 25 years I breed only with dna pkd negative cats MY cats are known for the deep dark mascara, brick red, not pink, noses and flowing, long gorgeous coatsOur eleven year old daughter camps out every night just in case Lucy needs any help during the night The babies get along well
Elevage de Chats Persans Chinchilla Golden Silver en Algerie 2,859 likes · 18 talking about this Premier élevage de chats persan chinchilla golden et silver en ALGERIEElevage familiale de chats persan chinchilla silver shaded et golden Chatterie écho de Narcisse Pro À EsvressurIndre (373) Nous sommes un petit élevage familial de persans et d'exotic shorthair chinchilla, silver, golden shaded situé près de Tours Si vous êtes à la recherche du chaton rêvé, aux yeux vertThe Society occasionally has pedigree Chinchilla, Shaded Silver, Golden, Smoke and Silver Tabby cats looking for permanent, loving homes All cats are homed neutered or spayed, fully vet checked, blood tested, vaccinated and microchipped All prospective homes are fully checkedThese are all specific breeds of Persian Cats

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Silver, golden, smoke, and cameo Persians have been subject to more division changes than any other color The Shaded Division consisted of chinchilla silvers, shaded silvers, and smokes until 1961;Terhark Persian chinchilla and shaded silver persian iowa kittensSilver Chinchilla Female Persian Kitten " Sandee" is a beautiful shaded Golden Chinchilla female Persian kitten with a mixture of lighter colors which could be described as a Golden Chinchilla You will find shades of gold, apricot, cream, white, chocolate and black !

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My sweet persian catsWe specialize in chinchilla silver, shaded silver, golden and blue golden (gray) Persians with nice light colored coats and gorgeous, amazing emerald green or blue green eyes We are partial to the traditional doll face Persians, as many of the doll face lines are free of a drainage, making them gorgeous and enjoyable to look atMikado persan chinchilla silver shaded 110 likes la vie de famille de Mikado né le

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Our 7monthold, male Silvershaded Chinchilla Persian Cat named Felix Likes to have people around him but does not like to be held or touch Read more onChaton Persan Chinchilla femelle Fidji des Persans de Fannie 8semm4v Don Juan et Don Quichotte persan chinchilla/silver shaded Enlever efficacement les noeuds et les poils d'un chatCaloola Silvers Breeding only the best Show Quality and Pet Chinchilla and Shaded Silver Persians and Exotics Southern Highlands NSW

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Chat persan chinchilla et golden 1,965 likes · 1 talking about this Vous pouvez partager les photos de vos chats persans Pas de vente hors ceuxHere you can view our breathtaking past Silver Persian kittens Our Silver Persians are extremely popular and ultra petite (at least the ones here at our cattery) These darling kittens come in a variety of shades;Http//deslysdekiwisefreefrElevage de chat persan chinchilla, silver et golden shaded

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Petite chatterie familiale d'élevage du chat persan chinchilla silver et golden Nous avons également des Exotics shorthair chinchilla Sur le site photo et vidéo de nos chats persans, chaton persan à réserver Notre chatterie se situe à Dijon en Côte d'Or région BourgogneThe Chinchilla Silver Persian is an almost pure white cat with a sprinkling of black tipping that gives it a sparkling silver appearance They are significantly lighter in all over color than the Shaded Silver Persian The Chinchilla should have a17 avr 17 Découvrez le tableau "Persan chinchilla" de Aurélie M sur Voir plus d'idées sur le thème persan chinchilla, chat persan, chats et chatons

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Having owned Persian cats as pets in the past, it was the natural choice for me to develop an interest in breeding them In 03, I fell in love with the exquisite beauty of the Chinchilla Persian and decided to start up my own breeding programme that also led me to a whole new world of cat shows and exhibitingLucy was born at the Love Persians Cattery she is a shaded silver chinchilla persian Humphrey is a silver chinchilla persian who was born at the L'Dearheart Cattery Our babies are spoiled from their first breath!SHADED SILVER Undercoat white with a mantle of black tipping shading down from sides, face, and tail from dark on the ridge to white on the chin, chest, stomach, and under the tail Legs to be the same tone as the face The general effect to be such darker than a chinchilla Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with black

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La chatterie des Maudor est un petit élevage familial de chats Persans chinchilla, silver, golden shaded, golden shell, blue golden shaded et blue golden shell (chinchilla) Nous sommes situés dans l'Ain, entre Mâcon et BourgenBresse Nous élevons également des Maines CoonsElevage de chats Persans Silver et Golden shaded Reproducteurs porteurs de Chinchilla et Blue Golden Shaded, testés PKD Négatifs Chatons disponibles Nos chats circulent librement et sont N'hésitez pas à rechercher également 1 élevage de Persan dans un département limitropheJul 02, 14 · Une éleveuse britannique, Mme Vallence, serait à l'origine du Persan Chinchilla En effet, vers 10, celleci obtint le premier Persan avec une robe argentée, un mêle nommé Silver Lambkin, à partir de l'accouplement d'un Persan fumé et d'un Persan silver tabby

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A kitten is either Shaded Silver (white with gray markings) or Chinchilla Silver (white with hint of silver tipping) If you are searching for Shaded Silver Persian kittens for sale and would like to be considered for one of our Shaded Silver or Chinchilla Silver babies, please go our Available kittens page and fill out a kitten applicationPres de nancy (54)la chatterie des trois évéchès est un petit elevage amateur de persans chinchilla silver shaded et golden shaded, belles lignées,jolis persansWe are a CFA registered cattery, breeding exclusively Silver and Chinchilla Shaded Persians They are tested and are negative for PKD and FIV & FeLV We have done many years worth of researching and talking with breeders to find just the right line, look, and temperament for our cats We breed for health, beauty, and temperaments

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Prix d'un chaton persan chinchilla, silver ou golden (Pour les tarifs des Exotic Shorthair nous consulter) Pour le néophyte le prix d'un chaton semble toujours élevé et la façon dont il est fixé un mystère Difficile de comprendre la différence entre unFeb 23, I have had 4 beautiful greeneyed beauties I LOVE these beautifulmost beautiful of allkitties!Our 7monthold, male Silvershaded Chinchilla Persian Cat named Felix Likes to have people around him but does not like to be held or touch Read more on Chinchilla Persian Cats at

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See more ideas about cats, chinchilla, persian catThis one sports a coat called "red silver shaded" the base of the hair is silver or ivory and the tip is ginger Origins and history In 10, an English breeder, Mrs Vallence, crosses a Persian "smoke" with a "silver tabby" which gave birth to the very first Persian Chinchilla Silver Lambkin

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